Ruan Martinelli

Developer, freelancer, and writer. Working with people around the world from my home office in Porto, Portugal.

Hey! I’m a web developer who loves turning ideas into reality through code. My journey started in my teenage years, when I caught the programming bug by tinkering with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create custom blog templates. That hobby turned into a computer science degree and eventually my first dev job.

Over the past decade, I’ve had the privilege of working with all sorts of teams – from scrappy startups to Fortune 500 companies, and everything in between. I’ve built products for health, logistics, fintech, and entertainment. The best part? Seeing these applications reach users across the globe, from San Francisco to Shanghai.

I’ve discovered that I thrive in environments where I can wear multiple hats and move fast – typically solo projects or small, dynamic teams. This realization, combined with years of building my craft, led me to take the leap into freelancing.

These days, I build custom web applications using JavaScript TypeScript, React, and Node.js. It’s what I do best, and I love every minute of it. You can learn more about my services here.

When I’m not coding for clients, I’m writing about code on my blog. You’ll find everything from technical deep-dives to career insights, and some random musings in between.

Home base is the beautiful city of Porto, Portugal (UTC+0), where I live with my wife two kinds. In my free time, you will find me running, making sourdough bread, or solving crossword puzzles.

Say hello on 𝕏/Twitter ! For bigger ideas, you can email me.


Jul, 2021

Deploying Anything with Terraform and Google Cloud Run

STRV - Internal

Dec, 2020

Mutation Testing

STRV Backend Meetup

Sep, 2020

Technical Writing: Writing Better Docs

STRV - Internal

Aug, 2020

Golang for Node.js Developers

STRV - Internal

Dec, 2019

Introduction to GitHub Actions

STRV - Internal

May, 2019

What is Property-based Testing?

STRV - Internal

Feb, 2019

Getting Started with Monorepos

STRV - Internal

External Publications

Jul, 2019

Getting to Know Monorepo

STRV Engineering Blog